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Sep 28, 2021

Last week was Climate Week where governments, organizations, and individuals met to discuss what they have done so far for the climate crisis and what more they need to do. In honor of climate week, 7 late night talk show hosts dedicated their show to highlighting the climate crisis in a comedic way - we could all use a...

Sep 21, 2021

Today I will be talking with Stephanie Lentz who is the owner of Scoop Marketplace in Seattle, Washington. Scoop Marketplace is a zero waste grocery store that offers package free groceries, zero waste lifestyle products, and home care goods. We will be diving into all of that as well as the benefits to buying in bulk...

Sep 14, 2021

Today Jason and I will continue our discussion on moving across the state of Michigan where we downsized from a house to an apartment. Moving and downsizing both have their challenges, but Jason and I wanted to try to do both as sustainably as possible. Overall, we did pretty well, but we also learned a lot. This...

Sep 7, 2021

Today Jason and I will discuss our recent move across the state of Michigan where we downsized from a house to an apartment. Moving and downsizing both have their challenges, but Jason and I wanted to try to do both as sustainably as possible. Overall, we did pretty well, but we also learned a lot. This is part 1 of a 2...